Polish Language and Literature

The official language of Poland is Polish, that like other Indo-European languages, mutual part of the vocabulary and grammar from Latin.
Today we can say that the Polish language is spoken worldwide by around 43 million people, of course, most of these are located in Poland and neighboring countries such as Lithuania and Ukraine. Strong, however, the presence of the language in nations extended Polish emigres, such as the Ireland or cities like London in the United Kingdom (especially recently), France, USA and Canada. The major linguistic presence is recorded in the United States of America.
Grammatically, the Polish language has three times (past, present and future) and three genders (masculine, feminine and neuter). There are articles and 7 cases are provided, which makes the Polish rather complex to learn.
In the commercial sector are used in English and Russian. Technical documents are sometimes in German. Remember that if you visit areas outside the town or rural Poland, will generally few people who speak English, so to communicate, even with gestures, it takes patience and understanding. Potrette also surprised to hear many Poles speak the Italian language well (which is rare, however, for an Italian speaking in Polish).
As a literary language, Polish language is quite young. Historical evidence confirms it active use only in 1400 and 1500. Let us remember that Poland is known for having accepted if they are different in other cultures and their languages, first of all Latin, but also Tedeco, Lithuanian and other languages ​​such as? Yiddish (the language spoken by the Jews of Poland and the neighboring countries).
Today the tradition continues with the Polish language in English and German is widely spoken by the majority of the young population. Do not forget that the Polish language is one of the official languages ​​of the European Union

1 comment:

  1. The Polish Language Course is a methodical and systematic course that will introduce you to the Polish language from the very beginning. Learn polish language
