Polish language

Interview with Andrea Ceccherelli, teacher of Polish language

Can you tell us briefly when he formed the Polish language?

Polish is a Slavic language, like Russian, but received Christianity from Rome, and thus is written in Latin characters. The differentiation of Polish than the "common Slavic" dates back to several centuries before the Characterization of Poland, whose official date is 966. The first written (in Latin) which include Polish expressions dating back to the XI century, but the first literary works we have to wait a couple of centuries. During the Renaissance the vernacular Polish conquest the full dignity of literature: it is the classic age of Polish literature, its golden age.

For what reasons should study the Polish language?

Curiosity is a good reason, but it is not enough. I will say then that those who want to know the universe Slavic (half of Europe is inhabited by Slavs, about 40% of Europeans speak Slavic languages) can not be limited to the Russian language, Russian and Polish study allows for a wider Slavic training (Note: in our faculty also teaches Bulgarian). In addition, Poland has recently joined the European Community, trade, facilitated, many Italian companies investing in Poland, and that means job opportunities, although of course it is never easy.

For an Italian speaking what are the most difficult that may meet in the study of the Polish language?

I will only indicate a few: the numeral and the verbal aspect. Take the numeral "two": there is a female form (dwie), a form neutral and non-male-staff (dwa), a form-male staff (dwaj), and a collective form used for people of different sexes (dwoje) . There's something for all tastes. Of course, then every form has its declination. Though complex, the system of numerals, however, does not present difficulties in understanding, but only storage. The hardest thing of all is the aspect verbal, because it implies a different way of looking at what happens to process the experience. An Italian who knows the Polish to perfection sooner or later betray just to use verbal aspect. Simply put, we can say that for us Italians is important to establish when an action is performed with respect to a reference point, hence the presence of two future, and the past five in our verbal system. For the Poles it is important to determine how the action was performed. The Pole has only one past and one future, but for every verb has a pair of verbs, of the same meaning but different aspect: one of perfective aspect, the other aspect of imperfective. The perfective aspect indicates actions that have occurred once made. The imperfective aspect may indicate an ongoing action, or repeated etc. Anyway, it is a problem that affects even Russian. Similarly, it was more useful to study Slavic languages, the problems are often similar and understanding is facilitated.

Do you know of American institutions and / or online school that could complement his teaching and delivering certificates?

It is possible to learn Polish as a foreign language at: International Polish Language Course - IALC Group. Learning Polish from the comfort of your home or office with live native tutors.

Can you tell us a proverb or a distinctive appearance or cultural differences of the country of the language you taught?

The beauty of Polish culture is that it is near and far at the same time. It is a culture "other" from ours, and therefore fascinating for its diversity, but the centuries-old relationship with Italy makes us particularly congenial. Polish people are very kind to those who study their language and culture. In general are very hospitable, put into practice the proverb that says "w GOSC Sun - Bóg w dom" (Guest house - God in the house).

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