Polish literature

The cultural landscape of Poland is rich in important literary and linguistic traditions. Old reputation of Poland itself to accommodate different cultures, Polish literature presents written not only in their mother tongue, but also, to a lesser extent, in Latin, Tedeco, in Lithuanian and other languages ​​such as? Yiddish (the language spoken by the Jews of Poland and neighboring countries).

The Polish language is now spoken by a total of about 43 million people, in Poland as in other countries where there is a strong presence of these people: Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania, Ireland, France, the UK and America, the most important . Of Indo-European origin, since 2004 the Polish language is also one of the official languages ​​of the European Union.

The literature in Poland has always been considered very important. Such as theater and culture in general, it has been the cry of calling a people proud of their origins and ready to fight for their freedom, personal and social. Several people are the Nobel Prize winners for literature in Poland obtained in different periods of the last century. Winners of Polish? Coveted prize in Poland: Henryk Sienkiewicz in 1905, Władysław Reymont in 1924, Czesław Miłosz in 1980, Wisława Szymborska in 1996, do not forget other names like the great Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz and many other talents Polish .

The literature of Poland is really rich in many literary masterpieces and the sentiment is inherent in almost the entire population (remember? Pope John Paul II during his youth he devoted himself to several stage plays). Let's look at the characters of literature in Poland, novels, short stories, and even poesi, written plays, screenplays, and much more, read together?.

Art and Culture in Poland

The cultural tradition of Poland, the Polish people has always been responsive, as well as his own, also to artists and teachers of culture from abroad, so this was a country curious and open to what was happening in other countries . Since ancient times, dialogue and cultural integration that enrich the artistic tradition of Poland.
In music, the? Polish art has had many talents: musicians, composers, conductors and performers, known and appreciated all over the world, in time.
Many artists, not accepting the link between Poland and the USSR, decided to stay in the West, giving rise to two distinct cultural and artistic hubs, one in Poland and one national all? Made by foreign artists emigrated.
Among the major exponents of contemporary Polish writer Ryszard are Kapucinski, directors Andrzej Wajda and Krzysztof Kieslowski, composers Krzysztof Penderecki and Henryk Gorecki and pianist Krystian Zimerman, multi-faceted artists such as Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz.
In? Polish art one can not fail to mention artists, famous throughout the world, such as Magdalena Abakanowicz with its 'abakans' (giant tapestry-art sculptures) and Jerzy Duda-Gracz with his satirical representation of reality through deep ? arts.
And then one of the directors Andrzej Wajda, Krzysztof Zanuss, and the most famous all? Foreign Roman Polanski's Palme d'Or in Cannes for "The Pianist" and best known for the movie? Rosemary € ™ s baby?.
But let us see, in detail, what are the proposals of? Arts and Culture in Poland, apprestandoci a trip of interest.

Culture History and Traditions

The history of Poland is realized in the uniqueness of his people, who contradistingue for? Boldness expressed in reaching its own historical identity and social.
From ancient history of Poland, starting from? 1000 years, through the Jagiellon dynasty (when Lithuania and Poland join through a marriage of convenience and Poland experienced a period of economic and cultural wealth), the invasions of the seventeenth century with the loss of? independence, the terrible events of the Second World War up to? Soviet invasion. And then, still further in history and time, the birth of the republic, to Solidarity and the push for freedom from those expressed, its social reforms, the coup of Jaruzelski, the first presidential election in which he won Lech Walesa, President Kwasniewski of Poland and a new course, which came in in 2004? European Union.
There are so many significant events in the history of Poland and here we will tell you the deeds and misdeeds of this country, dwelling especially on recent history, the longed-earned freedom and civic and economic development of the country.

Polish traditions and folklore.

Folklore in Poland, notoriously, is a very Catholic country, are therefore important religious celebrations in the tradition of the country. On Sunday, for example, the churches are crowded, even by young people, imagine what could be so crowded the special festivities throughout the year. Especially at Christmas and Easter celebrations are numerous and very heartfelt.
The folklore of Poland is made of different traditions that reach up to the early historical events of the nation, from small to Polish legends? Popular joy of the people of this fertile land.
Let's look at the colorful world of the most lively folk tradition in Poland

Polish Language and Literature

The official language of Poland is Polish, that like other Indo-European languages, mutual part of the vocabulary and grammar from Latin.
Today we can say that the Polish language is spoken worldwide by around 43 million people, of course, most of these are located in Poland and neighboring countries such as Lithuania and Ukraine. Strong, however, the presence of the language in nations extended Polish emigres, such as the Ireland or cities like London in the United Kingdom (especially recently), France, USA and Canada. The major linguistic presence is recorded in the United States of America.
Grammatically, the Polish language has three times (past, present and future) and three genders (masculine, feminine and neuter). There are articles and 7 cases are provided, which makes the Polish rather complex to learn.
In the commercial sector are used in English and Russian. Technical documents are sometimes in German. Remember that if you visit areas outside the town or rural Poland, will generally few people who speak English, so to communicate, even with gestures, it takes patience and understanding. Potrette also surprised to hear many Poles speak the Italian language well (which is rare, however, for an Italian speaking in Polish).
As a literary language, Polish language is quite young. Historical evidence confirms it active use only in 1400 and 1500. Let us remember that Poland is known for having accepted if they are different in other cultures and their languages, first of all Latin, but also Tedeco, Lithuanian and other languages ​​such as? Yiddish (the language spoken by the Jews of Poland and the neighboring countries).
Today the tradition continues with the Polish language in English and German is widely spoken by the majority of the young population. Do not forget that the Polish language is one of the official languages ​​of the European Union

Polish language

Interview with Andrea Ceccherelli, teacher of Polish language

Can you tell us briefly when he formed the Polish language?

Polish is a Slavic language, like Russian, but received Christianity from Rome, and thus is written in Latin characters. The differentiation of Polish than the "common Slavic" dates back to several centuries before the Characterization of Poland, whose official date is 966. The first written (in Latin) which include Polish expressions dating back to the XI century, but the first literary works we have to wait a couple of centuries. During the Renaissance the vernacular Polish conquest the full dignity of literature: it is the classic age of Polish literature, its golden age.

For what reasons should study the Polish language?

Curiosity is a good reason, but it is not enough. I will say then that those who want to know the universe Slavic (half of Europe is inhabited by Slavs, about 40% of Europeans speak Slavic languages) can not be limited to the Russian language, Russian and Polish study allows for a wider Slavic training (Note: in our faculty also teaches Bulgarian). In addition, Poland has recently joined the European Community, trade, facilitated, many Italian companies investing in Poland, and that means job opportunities, although of course it is never easy.

For an Italian speaking what are the most difficult that may meet in the study of the Polish language?

I will only indicate a few: the numeral and the verbal aspect. Take the numeral "two": there is a female form (dwie), a form neutral and non-male-staff (dwa), a form-male staff (dwaj), and a collective form used for people of different sexes (dwoje) . There's something for all tastes. Of course, then every form has its declination. Though complex, the system of numerals, however, does not present difficulties in understanding, but only storage. The hardest thing of all is the aspect verbal, because it implies a different way of looking at what happens to process the experience. An Italian who knows the Polish to perfection sooner or later betray just to use verbal aspect. Simply put, we can say that for us Italians is important to establish when an action is performed with respect to a reference point, hence the presence of two future, and the past five in our verbal system. For the Poles it is important to determine how the action was performed. The Pole has only one past and one future, but for every verb has a pair of verbs, of the same meaning but different aspect: one of perfective aspect, the other aspect of imperfective. The perfective aspect indicates actions that have occurred once made. The imperfective aspect may indicate an ongoing action, or repeated etc. Anyway, it is a problem that affects even Russian. Similarly, it was more useful to study Slavic languages, the problems are often similar and understanding is facilitated.

Do you know of American institutions and / or online school that could complement his teaching and delivering certificates?

It is possible to learn Polish as a foreign language at: International Polish Language Course - IALC Group. Learning Polish from the comfort of your home or office with live native tutors.

Can you tell us a proverb or a distinctive appearance or cultural differences of the country of the language you taught?

The beauty of Polish culture is that it is near and far at the same time. It is a culture "other" from ours, and therefore fascinating for its diversity, but the centuries-old relationship with Italy makes us particularly congenial. Polish people are very kind to those who study their language and culture. In general are very hospitable, put into practice the proverb that says "w GOSC Sun - Bóg w dom" (Guest house - God in the house).